Summary: Correct AMF support for TERM-FAILED
Review request for Trac Ticket(s): 538
Peer Reviewer(s): Praveen, Nags, Hans N
Affected branch(es): All
Development branch: default

Impacted area       Impact y/n
 Docs                    n
 Build system            n
 RPM/packaging           n
 Configuration files     n
 Startup scripts         n
 SAF services            y
 OpenSAF services        n
 Core libraries          n
 Samples                 n
 Tests                   n
 Other                   n

Comments (indicate scope for each "y" above):

It is very important to get this into the pending releases!

changeset 7f72f8d9cbd64fa017a71aa73337b8d74128ade8
Author: Hans Feldt <>
Date:   Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:12:11 +0100

        amfd: allow modification of node repair attributes [#538]

        To prepare for correct handling of TERMINATION-FAILED it is important 
        all the repair related attributes of the AMF system model can be 

        This patch allows changing saAmfNodeAutoRepair and
        saAmfNodeFailfastOnTerminationFailure and also logs such change to SAF 

changeset 5069ae52df6a857f374c93dcee4dc364f9f4fd0a
Author: Hans Feldt <>
Date:   Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:20:51 +0100

        amfd: reboot node when term-failed SU [#538]

        When a component enters the TERM-FAILED presence state and if all the 
        conditions on SG and node are true, a node reboot request is ordered. 
        comp presence state is also SAFlogged.

changeset 785f74ff482ef8e6f644f95cd1064b2d22a86ab1
Author: Hans Feldt <>
Date:   Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:24:08 +0100

        amfnd: correct term-failed behaviour [#538]

        Problem: possible split brain on application level and spec violation.

        Analysis: The AMF node director requests a comp/SU failover from the AMF
        director despite that a comp is in TERM-FAILED presence state.

        Change: Correct this behavior and just disable the SU and let the AMF
        director handle possible node reboot or manual repair.

changeset f56cac35542db8d592e48c758269bb5418aced38
Author: Hans Feldt <>
Date:   Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:35:29 +0100

        amfd: auto clear comp cleanup failed alarm [#538]

Complete diffstat:
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfd/        |  44 
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfd/include/util.h |   2 ++
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfd/        |  27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfd/          |   4 ++++
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfd/      |  38 
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfd/      |   6 ++++++
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfd/        |  38 
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfnd/        |   3 +--
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfnd/         |   1 -
 osaf/services/saf/amf/amfnd/       |  45 
 10 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

Testing Commands:

Case 1:
 2 node cluster, amf demo and the following script run on SC1 (active SC and
 active demo):
immcfg -f AppConfig-2N.xml
amf-adm unlock-in safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1
amf-adm unlock-in safSu=SU2,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1
amf-adm unlock safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1
amf-adm unlock safSu=SU2,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1
sleep 2

immcfg -a saAmfSGAutoRepair=1 safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1
immcfg -a saAmfNodeAutoRepair=1 safAmfNode=SC-1,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster
immcfg -a saAmfNodeFailfastOnTerminationFailure=1 
immcfg -a saAmfNodeAutoRepair=1 safAmfNode=SC-2,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster
immcfg -a saAmfNodeFailfastOnTerminationFailure=1 

pkill demo

Case 2:
The same but the saAmfSGAutoRepair=0 and admin repair of SU

Testing, Expected Results:

Case 1:
SC1 rebooted
demo failed over to SC2
"component cleanup failed" alarm raised and cleared
New SAF LOGs to visualize important changes:

        80 08:29:56 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService "CCB 3 Modified 
        81 08:29:56 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
"safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1 saAmfSGAutoRepair changed to 1
        82 08:29:56 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService "CCB 4 Modified 
        83 08:29:56 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
"safAmfNode=SC-1,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster saAmfNodeAutoRepair changed to 1
        84 08:29:56 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService "CCB 5 Modified 
        85 08:29:56 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
saAmfNodeFailfastOnTerminationFailure changed to 1
        86 08:29:57 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService "CCB 6 Modified 
        87 08:29:57 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
"safAmfNode=SC-2,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster saAmfNodeAutoRepair changed to 1
        88 08:29:57 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService "CCB 7 Modified 
        89 08:29:57 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
saAmfNodeFailfastOnTerminationFailure changed to 1
        90 08:29:57 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
"safComp=AmfDemo,safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1 PresenceState 
        91 08:29:57 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService "Ordering reboot of 
'safAmfNode=SC-1,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster' as repair action

Case 2:

Node not rebooted (as expected), repair does not fully work (yet):

Feb 28 08:45:41 SC-1 local0.notice osafimmnd[382]: NO Ccb 6 COMMITTED 
Feb 28 08:45:41 SC-1 user.notice amf_demo[638]: exiting (caught term signal)
Feb 28 08:45:41 SC-1 local0.notice osafamfnd[447]: NO 
'safComp=AmfDemo,safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1' faulted due to 
'avaDown' : Recovery is 'componentRestart'
Feb 28 08:45:41 SC-1 local0.notice osafamfnd[447]: NO Cleanup of 
'safComp=AmfDemo,safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1' failed
Feb 28 08:45:41 SC-1 local0.notice osafamfnd[447]: NO Reason:'Exec of script 
success, but script exits with non-zero status'
Feb 28 08:45:41 SC-1 local0.notice osafamfnd[447]: NO Exit code: 1
Feb 28 08:45:41 SC-1 local0.warn osafamfnd[447]: WA 
'safComp=AmfDemo,safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1' Presence State 
Feb 28 08:45:41 SC-1 local0.notice osafamfnd[447]: NO 
'safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1' Presence State INSTANTIATED => 
Feb 28 08:45:43 SC-1 local0.notice osafamfnd[447]: NO Repair request for 
Feb 28 08:45:43 SC-1 local0.notice osafamfnd[447]: NO 
'safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1' Presence State TERMINATION_FAILED => 

That the SU stays uninstantiated yet enabled:

        88 08:45:41 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
"safComp=AmfDemo,safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1 PresenceState 
        89 08:45:41 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
"safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1 OperState ENABLED => DISABLED
        90 08:45:43 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService "Admin op "REPAIRED" 
initiated for 'safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1', invocation: 73014444033
        91 08:45:43 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
"safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1 PresenceState TERMINATION_FAILED => 
        92 08:45:43 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService "Admin op done for 
invocation: 73014444033, result 1
        93 08:45:43 02/28/2014 NO safApp=safAmfService 
"safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo1 OperState DISABLED => ENABLED

even though the repair succeeds

Conditions of Submission:
 Ack from reviewers

Arch      Built     Started    Linux distro
mips        n          n
mips64      n          n
x86         n          n
x86_64      y          y
powerpc     n          n
powerpc64   n          n

Reviewer Checklist:
[Submitters: make sure that your review doesn't trigger any checkmarks!]

Your checkin has not passed review because (see checked entries):

___ Your RR template is generally incomplete; it has too many blank entries
    that need proper data filled in.

___ You have failed to nominate the proper persons for review and push.

___ Your patches do not have proper short+long header

___ You have grammar/spelling in your header that is unacceptable.

___ You have exceeded a sensible line length in your headers/comments/text.

___ You have failed to put in a proper Trac Ticket # into your commits.

___ You have incorrectly put/left internal data in your comments/files
    (i.e. internal bug tracking tool IDs, product names etc)

___ You have not given any evidence of testing beyond basic build tests.
    Demonstrate some level of runtime or other sanity testing.

___ You have ^M present in some of your files. These have to be removed.

___ You have needlessly changed whitespace or added whitespace crimes
    like trailing spaces, or spaces before tabs.

___ You have mixed real technical changes with whitespace and other
    cosmetic code cleanup changes. These have to be separate commits.

___ You need to refactor your submission into logical chunks; there is
    too much content into a single commit.

___ You have extraneous garbage in your review (merge commits etc)

___ You have giant attachments which should never have been sent;
    Instead you should place your content in a public tree to be pulled.

___ You have too many commits attached to an e-mail; resend as threaded
    commits, or place in a public tree for a pull.

___ You have resent this content multiple times without a clear indication
    of what has changed between each re-send.

___ You have failed to adequately and individually address all of the
    comments and change requests that were proposed in the initial review.

___ You have a misconfigured ~/.hgrc file (i.e. username, email etc)

___ Your computer have a badly configured date and time; confusing the
    the threaded patch review.

___ Your changes affect IPC mechanism, and you don't present any results
    for in-service upgradability test.

___ Your changes affect user manual and documentation, your patch series
    do not contain the patch that updates the Doxygen manual.

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