- **assigned_to**: Nagendra Kumar -->  nobody 
- **Milestone**: future --> 4.4.FC


** [tickets:#429] amf: amfnd should generate core file if the director / agent 
failed with csi set callback timeout or other failures**

**Status:** assigned
**Created:** Fri May 31, 2013 06:39 AM UTC by Praveen
**Last Updated:** Fri Sep 06, 2013 01:13 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Migrated from http://devel.opensaf.org/ticket/2139.

If the traces are not enabled for any director / node director and if amfnd is 
rebooting the node because of the csiSetCallbackTimeout or any other timeouts 
,amf should generate core file while rebooting the node.

Root cause will not be entirely known by the core, but it helps in debugging 
the issue further.

It would be good even if the core generating process is extended for amf agents 
in the case of failures. 

Currently I think core will be generated for amfnd / amfd only.

In the case of following scenario, there would be no clue why plmd has got 
csiSetCallbackTimeout with out enabling traces.

Sep 28 19:00:04 SLES11-SLOT-2 osafimmnd[4251]: Implementer connected: 80 
(safPlmService) <893, 2020f>
 Sep 28 19:00:04 SLES11-SLOT-2 osafimmnd[4251]: Implementer connected: 81 
(safSmfService) <405, 2020f>
 Sep 28 19:00:05 SLES11-SLOT-2 osafamfnd[4343]: 
'safSu=SU2,safSg=AmfDemo?,safApp=AmfDemo?' Presence State INSTANTIATED => 
 Sep 28 19:00:05 SLES11-SLOT-2 osafamfnd[4343]: 
'safSu=SU2,safSg=AmfDemo?,safApp=AmfDemo?' Presence State TERMINATING => 
 Sep 28 19:00:13 SLES11-SLOT-2 osafamfnd[4343]: 
'safComp=PLMS,safSu=SC-2,safSg=2N,safApp=OpenSAF' faulted due to 
'csiSetcallbackTimeout(10)' : Recovery is 'nodeFailfast(6)'
 Sep 28 19:00:13 SLES11-SLOT-2 osafamfnd[4343]: 
safComp=PLMS,safSu=SC-2,safSg=2N,safApp=OpenSAF Faulted due 
to:csiSetcallbackTimeout(10) Recovery is:nodeFailfast(6)
 Sep 28 19:00:13 SLES11-SLOT-2 osafamfnd[4343]: Rebooting OpenSAF NodeId? = 
131599 EE Name = , Reason: Component faulted: recovery is node failfast

Changed 20 months ago by hafe ΒΆ

 Core file for what process, the one causing the csiSetCallbackTimeout I assume?


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