- **Milestone**: future --> 4.4.FC


** [tickets:#16] IMM: Support the saImmOiTimeout config attribute in the 
SaImmMngt class**

**Status:** unassigned
**Created:** Tue May 07, 2013 08:28 AM UTC by Anders Bjornerstedt
**Last Updated:** Tue May 07, 2013 08:28 AM UTC
**Owner:** Anders Bjornerstedt

There is a need for configurable timeout for IMMND OI upcalls, i.e.
the timeout for how long the imm-service will wait for a reply on
an OI upcall. Currently there is a hardwired timer of 6 seconds.

Version A.03.01 of the SAF IMM standard does in fact define such
an attribute 'saImmOiTimeout', which is one reason that A.03.01 is
actually not backwards compatible with A.02.01 (schema upgrades
are not supported in A.03.01).

Actually the 'saImmOiTimeout' is already present in the definition
of the SaImmMngt? class used by the OpenSAF IMM in 4.1. This despite
that the OpenSAF IMM does not support the A.03.01 version.
But the imm service ignores this attribute currently.

This enhancement proposes that the imm service shall respect the
setting of this attribute.

This enhancement is related to the more general issue of providing
an OI for the imm service itself.

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