Ticket #1008 is an alternative to this ticket.

Ticket #1008 could possibly be closed if a fix of this ticket prevents all 
cases of a ccb existing
during si-swap that contains ccb-operations on AMF objects.


From: Nagendra Kumar [mailto:nagendr...@users.sf.net]
Sent: den 18 september 2014 12:59
To: opensaf-tickets@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [tickets] [opensaf:tickets] #1111 AMF: Reject SC swichover (si-swap) 
when active ccb modifying amf-data exists

Check my comment for #1108.


[tickets:#1111]<http://sourceforge.net/p/opensaf/tickets/1111> AMF: Reject SC 
swichover (si-swap) when active ccb modifying amf-data exists

Status: unassigned
Milestone: 4.6.FC
Created: Thu Sep 18, 2014 08:25 AM UTC by Anders Bjornerstedt
Last Updated: Thu Sep 18, 2014 08:26 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

This is related to AMF enhancement #1108


That enhancement is about the AMFD clearing the way to re-attach as OI
by invoking an admin-op on immsv to abort active ccbs operating on AMF data.

But this can be avoided for the si-swap case by the AMFD rejecting the
si-swap if/when there is any active ccb operating on AMF data.
This should be trivial for the AMFD to detect since it is the OI for
all such data.


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