If this is a case of an NTF callback being invoked towards an NTF client that 
does not support longDNs,
yet a long DN pops up from the server, then that should be detected in the NTF 
client library and the callback
should not be generated towards the client. If the callback has a return code 
(towards the server) then
the library could set it to ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, or to some other error, or even 
OK, depending on the
semantics of the callback.

If it is a case of an NTF downcall from the NTF client (that does not support 
long DNs) and the call gets a
reply that fills in an SaNameT value and that value is a long DN, then the 
SaNameT should not be set and
an error of SA_AIS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG returned to the client.

If the above was not relevant then please ignore.


From: Praveen [mailto:praveenmalv...@users.sf.net]
Sent: den 24 september 2014 11:54
To: opensaf-tickets@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [tickets] [opensaf:tickets] Re: #1114 NTF: Unadapted LongDns consumer 
crashes due to read/subsribe long dn notification

Hi Minh,
Please see comments inline with [Praveen].


On 24-Sep-14 9:24 AM, Minh Hon Chau wrote:

The following NTF APIs need to add the protection for unadapted
producer/consumer against the notification containing any extended
SaNameT, which hereby is known as long DN notification:
1 - saNtfNotificationSend returns SA_AIS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM if one of the
following statements is true:
. Notification header contains notificationObject or notifyingObject as
long DN, or any extended SaNameT exists in additionalInfo
. As alarm notification, any field of
contains extended SaNameT
. As security alarm notification, any field of
serviceUser/serviceProvider contains extended SaNameT
Execeptionally, the changedAttributes of AttributeChange notification
and the objectAttributes of ObjectCreateDelete notification, have
currently treated the value type SA_NTF_VALUE_LDAP_NAME as
SA_NTF_VALUE_STRING, so that there's no need to add the protection for
unadapted producer against changeAttributes and objectAttributes.

[Praveen]For using long Dns in the notification, a notification producer
(sender) will either set "SA_ENABLE_EXTENDED_NAMES" for using long Dns
or compile application with "-DSA_EXTENDED_NAME_SOURCE".

If an application is unadapted to long Dns it means it is neither
compiled with the flag not it setting the "SA_ENABLE_EXTENDED_NAMES" and
hence it is sending the shot Dn only.
The how such an application can fill long DN as it cannot use Lend() and
Borrow() APIs.

2 - saNtfNotificationReadInitialize returns SA_AIS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM if
the reader specifies the filter header containing any long DN object in
notificationObjects or notifyingObjects.

[Praveen] same as above.

3 - saNtfNotificationReadNext skips any notification containing
notificationObject/notifyingObject as long DN, and continue reading next
until finding the notification without long DN
notificationObject/notifyingObject then returns SA_AIS_OK, or no more
notification satisfying the criteria then returns SA_AIS_ERR_NOT_EXIST.

4 - saNtfNotificationSubscribe returns SA_AIS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM if the
subscriber specifies the filter header containing any long DN object in
notificationObjects or notifyingObjects.

[Praveen] same as above.

5 - Any Notification callback containing
notificationObject/notifyingObject as long DN is dropped at Agent and
SA_AIS_NAME_TOO_LONG error code is returned to subscriber.

6 - saNtfPtrValGet returns SA_AIS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG if any extended
SaNameT presents in additionalInfo, specificProblems,
thresholdInformation, proposedRepairActions, monitoredAttributes,
serviceUser and serviceProvider.


http://sourceforge.net/p/opensaf/tickets/1114 NTF:
Unadapted LongDns consumer crashes due to read/subsribe long dn

Status: accepted
Milestone: 4.5.0
Created: Fri Sep 19, 2014 05:15 AM UTC by Minh Hon Chau
Last Updated: Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:18 AM UTC
Owner: Minh Hon Chau

In a long dn upgraded system, currently if an unadapted producer by
somehow receives the long dn objects then sends out within a
notification, the producer is not able to send this notification and
receives the IN_VALID_PARAM return code.

Similarly, the unadapted consumer should fail to read/subscribe for a
long dn notification, rather than crash


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[tickets:#1114]<http://sourceforge.net/p/opensaf/tickets/1114> NTF: Unadapted 
LongDns consumer crashes due to read/subsribe long dn notification

Status: accepted
Milestone: 4.5.0
Created: Fri Sep 19, 2014 05:15 AM UTC by Minh Hon Chau
Last Updated: Wed Sep 24, 2014 05:06 AM UTC
Owner: Minh Hon Chau

In a long dn upgraded system, currently if an unadapted producer by somehow 
receives the long dn objects then sends out within a notification, the producer 
is not able to send this notification and receives the IN_VALID_PARAM return 

Similarly, the unadapted consumer should fail to read/subscribe for a long dn 
notification, rather than crash


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