Just t be clear.
The handling of TRY_AGAIN versus the handling of NO_RESOURCES do differ.
A TRY_AGAIN loop must have a delay for each iteration and iterations must be 
A NO_RESOURCES client loop does not need a delay and each  iteration may be 
indefinitely long.

Nearly all applications should handle TRY_AGAIN because it is normally a 
temporary problem
over in a few seconds. The immsv can generate TRY_AGAIN for up to 60 seconds 
for big syncs
but I would argue that this should be changes so that the immsv shifts from 
if the sync takes longer than say 20 seconds.
Most crucially, from the implementation (server) side, each TRY_AGAIN 
iterations should be fast (miliseconds)
Because this allows the client application to have realtime control over how 
long  they tolerate being stuck.

Application threads with real-time requirements should not bother retrying 
Each iteration can take a longer time and the error code itself signals that 
the wait-time is outside the control
of the service and could be indefinite.


From: Anders Bjornerstedt [mailto:ander...@users.sf.net]
Sent: den 26 augusti 2015 08:25
To: [opensaf:tickets]
Subject: [opensaf:tickets] Re: #1448 smf: Make campaigns less fragile by 
retrying on ERR_NO_RESOURCES

Yes the principle about handling ERR_NO_RESOURCES should be the same everywhere 
over all SAF services.
Just as the rules for handling TRY_AGAIN should be the same over all OpenSAF 

Any client-application is free to decide to not handle these errors, i.e. to 
stop trying if they get them.
But applications can be made more robust by handling these errors.

There is also ERR_BUSY which for the immsv works exactly the same way as 
SAF created too many error codes as I see it.
There should only be one error code for any particular handling behavior 
defined as appropriate for the error.
If two error codes are to be handled exactly the same then one of the error 
codes should be deprecated.


From: Mathi Naickan [mailto:mathi-naic...@users.sf.net]
Sent: den 25 augusti 2015 17:03
To: [opensaf:tickets]
Subject: [opensaf:tickets] #1448 smf: Make campaigns less fragile by retrying 

Just as a note - previously, I had a discussion with Ingvar and he had agreed 
to convert this into a defect.
I can provide a patch for this for OM api calls except for the CCB APIs (based 
on the description above).
Should we also give this treatment for OI APIs?


 smf: Make campaigns less fragile by retrying on ERR_NO_RESOURCES

Status: unassigned
Milestone: future
Created: Fri Aug 14, 2015 07:09 AM UTC by Anders Bjornerstedt
Last Updated: Tue Aug 25, 2015 02:37 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

The SMF service is a heavy user of the IMM service.
The IMM has an established client pattern for ERR_TRY_AGAIN which allows an 
application realtime
control over how long it is prepared to wait for a transient inability of the 
IMM service to fullfill a request.
Each response of TRY_AGAIN should in itself be fast so the application needs a 
delay in its retry loop.

There is also the very similar error code ERR_NO_RESOURSES. Logically that 
error code is identical
to TRY_AGAIN in that the request could not be accepted due to no fault of the 
client but due to some
more or less temporary problem in the IMM service. The difference is that 
realtime ambitions. Typically this error code is used by the imm when the imm 
can not fullfill a request
due to reasons that are outside of the imm service control. Also the time from 
request to a response
of ERR_NO_RESOUIRCES may be long.

The SMF service in general has no realtime requirments. The main goal for the 
SMF service is to
successfully complete correctly formulated camopaings. This means that the SMF 
service should be
programmed to avoid unnecessary fragility related to temporary problems, even 
if the temporary problem
could linger for seconds or minutes.

The alternative of aborting the campaign will itself discard potentially large 
execution times already
completed. It may sometimes even result in a system restore.

This means that SMF campaigns should have a "retry loop" that handles not just 
but also ERR_NO_RESOURCES where this return code is relevant (can be returned 
according to
the API spec).. The error copde ERR_BUSY also exists and is for all practical 
purposes identical
to ERR_NO_RESOURCES in semantics, both logical and timing.


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[tickets:#1448]<http://sourceforge.net/p/opensaf/tickets/1448/> smf: Make 
campaigns less fragile by retrying on ERR_NO_RESOURCES

Status: unassigned
Milestone: future
Created: Fri Aug 14, 2015 07:09 AM UTC by Anders Bjornerstedt
Last Updated: Tue Aug 25, 2015 03:03 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

The SMF service is a heavy user of the IMM service.
The IMM has an established client pattern for ERR_TRY_AGAIN which allows an 
application realtime
control over how long it is prepared to wait for a transient inability of the 
IMM service to fullfill a request.
Each response of TRY_AGAIN should in itself be fast so the application needs a 
delay in its retry loop.

There is also the very similar error code ERR_NO_RESOURSES. Logically that 
error code is identical
to TRY_AGAIN in that the request could not be accepted due to no fault of the 
client but due to some
more or less temporary problem in the IMM service. The difference is that 
realtime ambitions. Typically this error code is used by the imm when the imm 
can not fullfill a request
due to reasons that are outside of the imm service control. Also the time from 
request to a response
of ERR_NO_RESOUIRCES may be long.

The SMF service in general has no realtime requirments. The main goal for the 
SMF service is to
successfully complete correctly formulated camopaings. This means that the SMF 
service should be
programmed to avoid unnecessary fragility related to temporary problems, even 
if the temporary problem
could linger for seconds or minutes.

The alternative of aborting the campaign will itself discard potentially large 
execution times already
completed. It may sometimes even result in a system restore.

This means that SMF campaigns should have a "retry loop" that handles not just 
but also ERR_NO_RESOURCES where this return code is relevant (can be returned 
according to
the API spec).. The error copde ERR_BUSY also exists and is for all practical 
purposes identical
to ERR_NO_RESOURCES in semantics, both logical and timing.


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** [tickets:#1448] smf: Make campaigns less fragile by retrying on 

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** future
**Created:** Fri Aug 14, 2015 07:09 AM UTC by Anders Bjornerstedt
**Last Updated:** Tue Aug 25, 2015 03:03 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

The SMF service is a heavy user of the IMM service.
The IMM  has an established client pattern for ERR_TRY_AGAIN which allows an 
application realtime
control over how long it is prepared to wait for a transient inability of the 
IMM service to fullfill a request.
Each response of TRY_AGAIN should in itself be fast so the application needs a 
delay in its retry loop.

There is also the very similar error code ERR_NO_RESOURSES.  Logically that 
error code is identical
to TRY_AGAIN in that the request could not be accepted due to no fault of the 
client but due to some
more or less temporary problem in the IMM service. The difference is that 
realtime ambitions. Typically this error code is used by the imm when the imm 
can not fullfill a request
due to reasons that are outside of the imm service control. Also the time from 
request to a response
of ERR_NO_RESOUIRCES may be long. 

The SMF service in general has no realtime requirments. The main goal for the 
SMF service is to
successfully complete correctly formulated camopaings. This means that the SMF 
service should be
programmed to avoid unnecessary fragility related to temporary problems, even 
if the temporary problem
could linger for seconds or minutes. 

The alternative of aborting the campaign will itself discard potentially large 
execution times already
completed. It may sometimes even result in a system restore.

This means that SMF campaigns should have a "retry loop" that handles not just 
but also ERR_NO_RESOURCES where this return code is relevant (can be returned 
according to
the API spec).. The error copde ERR_BUSY also exists and is for all practical 
purposes identical
to ERR_NO_RESOURCES in semantics, both logical and timing.


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