- **status**: assigned --> review


** [tickets:#1437] AMF: Enhance csi assignment/removal illustration in 

**Status:** review
**Milestone:** 4.7.FC
**Created:** Thu Aug 06, 2015 07:11 AM UTC by Minh Hon Chau
**Last Updated:** Tue Aug 25, 2015 04:08 PM UTC
**Owner:** Minh Hon Chau

There are 2 points in this enhancement ticket:

1. Currently after loading 2N amfdemo sample, if issue command "amf-adm 
shutdown <active su>", amfdemo crashes with this error
    **Aug  6 15:04:54 PL-4 amf_demo[577]: saAmfHAStateGet FAILED - 7**
    It's due to the saAmfHAStateGet calling with null csiName (TARGET_ALL). As 
a sample app, this should be corrected to use saAmfHAStateGet() properly
 2. The sample is not showing the csi ha state transition/life cycle (which it 
currently accepts all csi_assign and csi_remove callback without respect of csi 
existence). This illustration could be made for amf_demo sample to show how the 
states goes from STANDBY to ACTIVE, ACTIVE to QUIESCED,... It's also used to 
test whether AMF behaves correctly with its application in term of ha 


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