- **status**: fixed --> accepted
- **Comment**:

To correct  sTerminatedCcbcount more than ccbvector.size(), and adding assert


** [tickets:#1994] IMMSv: Finalized CCB are counted under Max Ccb Limit**

**Status:** accepted
**Milestone:** 5.1.RC1
**Created:** Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:32 PM UTC by Chani Srivastava
**Last Updated:** Fri Sep 16, 2016 06:28 AM UTC
**Owner:** Neelakanta Reddy

Version - OpenSAF 5.1.FC : changeset - 7997
4-Node cluster
1PBE with 30K objects

- Default maxCcb is configured to 10000 as in object 
- Try creating more than 10000 Ccb operations
for (( i = 1 ; i <=20000; i++))
   immcfg -c TestClass testClass=$i 
Above operation fails with ERR_NO_RESOURCE after the Ccb count for cluster 
reached 10000. Even when a max limit is reached; after few minutes more Ccbs 
are allowed. See the below syslog snippet

Sep  1 14:58:35 OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: NO Ccb 45008 COMMITTED 
Sep  1 14:58:35 OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: NO Ccb 45009 COMMITTED 
Sep  1 14:58:35 OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: NO Ccb 45010 COMMITTED 
Sep  1 14:58:35 OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: NO Ccb 45011 COMMITTED 
Sep  1 14:58:35 OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: NO Ccb 45012 COMMITTED 
**Sep  1 *14:58:35* OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: *NO ERR_NO_RESOURCES: maximum 
Ccbs limit 20000 has been reached for the cluster***
Sep  1 15:00:34 OSAF-SC1 syslog-ng[1194]: Log statistics; 
dropped='pipe(/dev/xconsole)=0', dropped='pipe(/dev/tty10)=0', 
processed='center(queued)=92951', processed='center(received)=47084', 
processed='destination(messages)=47077', processed='destination(mailinfo)=7', 
processed='destination(newserr)=0', processed='destination(mailerr)=0', 
processed='destination(netmgm)=0', processed='destination(warn)=42', 
processed='destination(console)=16', processed='destination(null)=0', 
processed='destination(mail)=7', processed='destination(xconsole)=16', 
processed='destination(firewall)=0', processed='destination(acpid)=0', 
processed='destination(newscrit)=0', processed='destination(newsnotice)=0', 
**Sep  1 *15:10:14 *OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: *NO Ccb 45014 COMMITTED 
Sep  1 15:10:14 OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: NO Ccb 45015 COMMITTED 
Sep  1 15:10:14 OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: NO Ccb 45016 COMMITTED 
Sep  1 15:10:14 OSAF-SC1 osafimmnd[27298]: NO Ccb 45017 COMMITTED 


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