- **status**: assigned --> accepted


** [tickets:#2098] amfnd: amfnd doesn't exit at opensafd stop**

**Status:** accepted
**Milestone:** 5.0.2
**Created:** Thu Oct 06, 2016 09:02 AM UTC by Hans Nordebäck
**Last Updated:** Wed Oct 12, 2016 04:29 AM UTC
**Owner:** Praveen

amfnd doesn't exit at opensafd stop. This problem can be reproduced in UML 
using the AmfDemo application, nwayactive:

1) Change the AppConfig-nwayactive.xml file to:
2) Do the following changes to the amf_demo_script to:      
      return 0
 build_uml install_testprog 
 opensaf start
3) unlock-in, unlock all 5 amf demo SUs
4) At PL-3 modify /opt/amf_demo_script :
  while true
   sleep 2
run /etc/init.d/opensafd stop and the following problem occurs:

Oct  6 10:45:37 PL-3 local0.notice osafamfnd[423]: NO Reason:'Script did not 
exit within time'
Oct  6 10:45:37 PL-3 local0.warn osafamfnd[423]: WA 
'safComp=AmfDemo,safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo2' Presence State 
Oct  6 10:45:37 PL-3 local0.notice osafamfnd[423]: NO 
'safSu=SU1,safSg=AmfDemo,safApp=AmfDemo2' Presence State TERMINATING => 
Oct  6 10:46:18 PL-3 user.notice opensafd: amfnd has not yet exited, killing it 
Oct  6 10:46:18 PL-3 local0.alert osafclmna[414]: AL AMF Node Director is down, 
terminate this process
Oct  6 10:46:18 PL-3 local0.crit osafamfwd[489]: Rebooting OpenSAF NodeId = 0 
EE Name = No EE Mapped, Reason: AMF unexpectedly crashed, OwnNodeId = 131855, 
SupervisionTime = 60
Oct  6 10:46:18 PL-3 user.notice opensaf_reboot: Rebooting local node; 


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