Hi Praveen

Looks OK - as an enhancement perhaps the OI handle could be created in the 
thread itself to avoid passing the CB into the thread.


** [tickets:#1609] Introduce dedicated AIS handler threads**

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** future
**Created:** Tue Nov 24, 2015 09:03 AM UTC by Anders Widell
**Last Updated:** Thu Dec 01, 2016 04:06 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

This is a generic cleanup ticket for introducing one or several dedicated AIS 
handler threads in the OpenSAF services. The most urgent need is for the IMM 
API calls, but a similar approach can be used for other AIS services as and 
when needed.

The problem we are trying to solve is that sometimes, IMM API calls can be 
blocked for a very long time (up to several minutes). The reason why IMM is 
blocked is normally an ongoing sync, but there could be other reasons why an 
AIS call (not only IMM) could be blocked:

* If we have circular dependencies between the OpenSAF services, and the 
service we are depending on has not yet started
* The LOG service can be blocked due to a slow or unresponsive external disk or 
NFS server
* The OpenSAF service we are trying to access is temporarily out of service

For IMM, we can motivate introduction of up to three separate IMM handler 

* One thread acting as an IMM OI and / or applier. Note that this thread may 
also need to have its own IMM OM handle.
* One thread for IMM OM CCB operations.
* One thread for IMM OM read / search operations. These operations are normally 
fast though, since they should not be blocked by a sync, so we may not need a 
separate thread for them. But as mentioned above, they may be blocked for other 

The handler threads should exclusively own their AIS handle(s) and have their 
own poll + dispatch loops. Communication between the main thread and the 
handler thread should typically be done through a mailbox.

Refer e.g. to tickets [#1531] and [#1527] for issues related to this 
enhancement, that have been identified in the LOG service. Similar cleanup is 
needed in other OpenSAF services as well.


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