- **Milestone**: 5.1.1 --> 5.0.2


** [tickets:#2313] osaf: saflog function does not handle long record**

**Status:** assigned
**Milestone:** 5.0.2
**Created:** Fri Feb 17, 2017 06:45 AM UTC by Vu Minh Nguyen
**Last Updated:** Fri Feb 17, 2017 06:51 AM UTC
**Owner:** Vu Minh Nguyen

`saflog` is a utility function provided for other OpenSAF services to write an 
log record to OpenSAF LOG.
The `logBuf` in that function is only limited to 255 bytes.

So, if writing an log record more than 255 bytes, the log record will be 
truncated and `logBufSize` will hold the string length of the log record it 
would have been written to. As the result, it leads to incosistence in 
`logBufSize` and `logBuf`, eventually getting `SA_AIS_INVALID_PARAM`.

So, to solve the problem, `logBuf` capacity should be extended to avoid log 
record truncation.


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