I did verify  performance degrade is not because of  feature [#2202] 
 The statistics  WITH #[#2202]  feature  enable and disabled  the %  of degrade 
is ignoreable.

 As if  #[#2202]  is NOT the major root cause  of performance degrade , so for 
now we don't required any /Immediate changes on top of #[#2202]

Irrelevant of this #[#2202] feature  still we do see 70% to 100% performance 
degrade in observed
this could be because of some other changes like `cpnd: use shared memory based 
on ckpt name length [#2108] `
 where the SHM change are related to  support longDN,  currently I am in the 
process of isolating the change which are causing
 the performance degrade, will update as soon as possible.



** [tickets:#2395] CKPT: Performance degradation ~100% (Time taken is almost 
double than previous)**

**Status:** assigned
**Milestone:** 5.2.0
**Created:** Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:26 AM UTC by Chani Srivastava
**Last Updated:** Thu Apr 06, 2017 03:11 AM UTC
**Owner:** A V Mahesh (AVM)

Environment details

OS : Suse 11, 64bit Physical machine 
Changeset : 8634 ( 5.2.FC)
Setup : 4 nodes

There is considerable degradation in CKPT performance in 5.2 when compared to 
5.1. The times are calculated just before api and after api for which time 
difference is calculated.

-> For write operations, checkpoint write api is taking 2x the time taken in 
earlier release 5.1. Issue is observed in both synchronous and asynchronous 
( synchronous -- Checkpoint create flags used : SA_CKPT_WR_ALL_REPLICAS
asynchronous -- Checkpoint create flag used : SA_CKPT_WR_ACTIVE_REPLICA | 
SA_CKPT_CHECKPOINT_COLLOCATED ) Both local and remote replica

-> For section create operations in asynchronous mode for local replica, 
checkpoint section create api is taking more than 70% the earlier value in 5.1

-> For read operations in asynchronous mode for local replica, checkpoint read 
api is taking twice the time than in earlier value in 5.1

Please check the tickets pushed as part of 4.7 to 5.0, for which API 
performance got affected.


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