- **status**: assigned --> review


** [tickets:#2475] amf: support for SC status change Callback, non SAF.**

**Status:** review
**Milestone:** 5.17.08
**Created:** Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:19 AM UTC by Praveen
**Last Updated:** Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:19 AM UTC
**Owner:** Praveen

This enhancement is for supporting two resources in AMFA which will enable 
application to know about
SCs Absence and Presence state when they go down and comes up.

Information about the resources:
* A callback that will be invoked by AMFA whenever a SC joins cluster and
  both SCs leaves cluster if SC Absence feature is enabled.

  Callback and its argument:

      void (*OsafAmfSCStatusChangeCallbackT)(OsafAmfSCStatusT state)
      where OsafAmfSCStatusT is defined as:
        typedef enum {
          OSAF_AMF_SC_PRESENT = 1,
          OSAF_AMF_SC_ABSENT = 2,
        } OsafAmfSCStatusT;

  This callback can be integrated
  with standard AMF application component .
* An API to register/install above callback function:
   void osafAmfInstallSCStatusChangeCallback(
     void (*OsafAmfSCStatusChangeCallbackT)(OsafAmfSCStatusT status)


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