With the latest code, the issue is not recreatable.
Test results: ( output of "ntfsubscribe -v" command below )

===  Aug 29 14:20:29 - Attribute Change  ===
notificationID = 13
subscriptionId = 1
notificationObject.length = 37
notificationObject = "attrName_testSA_registerSA_Node_37_69"
notifyingObject.length = 14
notifyingObject = "safApp=OpenSaf"
notificationClassId = 32993.8.0 (0x0)
eventTime = 1503996629230537000 (Tue Aug 29 14:20:29 IST 2017)
lengthAdditionalText = 0


** [tickets:#466] Length of the objectnames is more by one for configuration 
object notifications**

**Status:** assigned
**Milestone:** future
**Created:** Thu Jun 20, 2013 09:08 AM UTC by Sirisha Alla
**Last Updated:** Mon Aug 28, 2017 09:00 AM UTC
**Owner:** Srinivas Siva Mangipudy

When ntfimcnd sends notifications for configuration object 
creation/modification/deletion, the length of the notifying object and the 
notification object is been shown wrongly. IMM callback gives the length of the 
notification object correctly.

Notification object length in the imm callback:
objectName->length: 37
objectName->value: 'attrName_testSA_registerSA_Node_37_69'

Object create/modify/delete notifications indicate the length of notification 
object is 38 and the length of notifying object is 15 for "safApp=OpenSaf".

This issue is reproducible.


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