Note that security must be handled if this attribute is made writable. If the 
path can be changed it must be ensured it cannot be given a value outside of 
the allowed directory structure etc. (other security issues?)
This is a relative path and the root path is given in the log configuration 
object (that has checks) so there should be no problem. But check to be sure.


** [tickets:#592] LOG: saLogStreamPathName is not writable in stream config 

**Status:** accepted
**Milestone:** 5.18.08
**Created:** Thu Oct 10, 2013 01:40 PM UTC by elunlen
**Last Updated:** Thu Aug 23, 2018 10:12 AM UTC
**Owner:** Ratnamala

In IMM model attribute saLogStreamPathName in class SaLogStreamConfig is 
SA_CONFIG but not SA_WRITABLE. This means that this attribute cannot be 
modified or error handled in the log service OI.


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