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** [tickets:#1776] imm: IMMND crashes when receiving update-rt-attribute 
response after it is timed out**

**Status:** fixed
**Milestone:** 4.6.2
**Created:** Fri Apr 22, 2016 04:50 AM UTC by Hung Nguyen
**Last Updated:** Thu Apr 28, 2016 09:35 AM UTC
**Owner:** Hung Nguyen

Source code of test application is attached to this ticket.

Import the 'Test' class and create some objects of it.
root@SC-1:~# immcfg -f test_class.xml
root@SC-1:~# immpopulate -p 10 Test

Run the OI. The OI has a sleep of 7 seconds in SaImmOiRtAttrUpdateCallbackT.
root@SC-1:~# ./test_oi &

Try to read all objects of 'Test' class
root@SC-1:~# ./test_search

IMMND crashes when receiving respose from the OI.
Apr 22 11:27:51 SC-2 osafimmnd[431]: immnd_evt.c:1080: search_req_continue: 
Assertion 'strncmp((const char *)rsp->objectName.buf, (const char 
*)reply->runtimeAttrs.objectName.buf, rsp->objectName.size) == 0' failed.


When the upcall to OI is timed out, IMMND erases the Continuation from the 
sSearchReqContinuationMap but it still keeps the search-node (and the searchOp).

On the search client, after getting timeout, it doesn't finalize the search 
handle and continues to do SearchNext().
That makes the searchOp in IMMND pop out a new object and store it to 

When the response from OI arrives at IMMND, it fails to assert because a new 
object in searchOp has been popped out.


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