
ack. Guess it would be nicer to replace the "change into a bigendian buf" code
by some code that doesn't check for endian-ness.

E.g. to replace the following code
     if (BIG_ENDIAN)
          x = bswap_32(x);
     memcmp(buffer, &x, 4);
    write_bigendian(buffer, x);
    static void write_endian(u8 buf, unsigned long x)
         u8[3] = (u8) (x % 256);
         x /= 256
         u8[2] = (u8) (x % 256);
         x /= 256
         u8[1] = (u8) (x % 256);
         x /= 256
         u8[0] = (u8) x;

It's a some work to replace everything this way; unless someone has a better
idea I'll so it in the WE?


Ludovic Rousseau wrote:

On 16/06/06, Martin Paljak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To build on intel mac attached patch was needed for me (endian.h
portability from google gives more insight and alternatives)

I am not sure it is the best way if you use configure.in.

Autoconf defines the macro AC_C_BIGENDIAN([action-if-true],
[action-if-false], [action-if-unknown]) [1] with the default behavior
to define WORDS_BIGENDIAN on the corresponding platforms.

I use this macro to define the host_to_ccid_32() macro in pcsc-lite for example.

The problem is that configure has no effect if you recompile the code
using X Code on Mac OS X.


[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/autoconf-2.57/html_chapter/autoconf_5.html#SEC64

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