Hello Markus,

Markus Schatzl schrieb:
> Hello,
> I'd be interested if somebody here has practical experience with
> "Secure Messaging" modes in general and would be so kind to
> answer a few questions:
Yes, we have. See [1] / IsoSecureChannel class for how that works.

>   In authentic as well as in combined mode, the use of symmetric 
>   ciphers seems to be the standard approach. To migitate simple MITM 
>   techniques, at least one keypair must be already integrated into 
>   ROM/EEPROM at the production/personalization stage and kept secret.
I assume you mean protection of integrity and confidentiality.

>   As a result, SM can only be used with designated terminals
>   from a single emitting instance (or partner organizations) 
>   that have knowledge about this secret key. This defeats
>   interoperability as a whole and reminds me to the infamous
>   "security by obscurity" solutions popular in former decades.
>   Are there any practical attempts to negotiate keys for SM by
>   use of public keys?
Yes, there is. Google for the e-SignK / CWA 14890 draft CEN standard.
This describes secure messaging based on a shared secret key or using a
hybrid scheme with card verifiable certificates (CVCs) (all based on ISO
7816-4). That is the procedure used by several smart card applications
(eGK, ECC).

>   What is the impact in terms of computation time for encrypted 
>   transfer at the moment, compared to a plain transmission? 
>   (Last info: x4)
Depends on the card, but x4 seems realistic.

>   Plain signature functionality is neither time-critical and
>   generally uses basic facilities available on nearly every
>   token. As digital signatures slowly gain acceptance outside 
>   specialized applications, are there any ambitions to secure the
>   card-to-terminal communication by default?
This is what is called trusted-channel and can be found in CWA 14890 for
electronic signature applications in an untrusted environment.

>   Isn't it urgently necessary to use ad-hoc interoperable
>   security routines in the light of the legal status of digital
>   signatures within the EU?
That is what standards are for ;-)


[1] www.openscdp.org/scsh3/index.html


    ---------    CardContact Software & System Consulting
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   |#       #|   Schülerweg 38
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   |'##> <##'|   Phone +49 171 8334920
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