> > How did you encrypt your data? Looks like a padding problem to me.
> > OpenSC assumes that you used PKCS#1-padding before you encrypted
> > your data. I'm not sure whether all keys on your SignTrust card
> > supports non-PKCS#1-padding. Let me know if you must decrypt
> > non-PKCS#1-padded data.
> I encrypt data with OpenSSL. 
> First, I create RSA object by d2i_RSAPublicKey then call
> RSA_public_encrypt with RSA_PKCS1_PADDING last parameter.
> Size of exit buffer obtain by RSA_size.
> On decrypt operation, ADPU has first data byte "0x81", as I
> know it is indicate to use PKCS1 crypted data. 
> I was testing this code on other cards (cardos and netkey).
> Cardos don't support PKCS#1-padding, so in exit buffer after
> decryption don't cut out pudding bytes (other problem :( ).
> But encrypt\decrypt operations on both cards complete successfully.

Seems that you know what you are doing :-)
If your code works with NetKey E4 cards then it MUST work with 
your SignTrust card too. Both cards are TCOS 2.0 cards and use the
same driver so I cannot imagine why a NetKey card should behave
different from a SignTrust card. But this might be a limitation of
my imagination.

Could you post the relevant parts of your code or send it to me.

I just tried the following script with my SignTrust card:

echo "Testdata" >cleartext
pkcs15-tool --read-public-key $KEY >pubkey.pem
openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey pubkey.pem -pubin -in cleartext -out ciphertext
pkcs15-crypt --decipher --input ciphertext --key $KEY --pkcs1

Works with both key 46 and key 47. Does not work with key 45 since
key 45 is a signature-key and cannot do decryption-operations.

Could you try this with your SignTrust card and/or NetKey card.

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