Whilst I've been subscribed for some time I've mostly just lurked.  However 
having now grabbed the nettle I find I'm falling at the first hurdle.

My intended platforms for things development are Ubtuntu 8.10 and fedora 9, I 
may drop over to 10 at some point but for now I'll stick with 9.  Now I'm 
running x86_64 kernels latest for both and I've installed the distribution 
variants of opensc and openct.  In the fedora case, the one I've tinkered with 
most recently its 0.11.4-4 and 0.6.14-4 respectively.  I've also downloaded and 
built the 0.11.6 and 0.6.15 tars.  Now I've got Athena asedrive iiie, an sdi010 
and a gem twin readers, but can see exactly none of them with opensc-tool or 
openct-tool.  If I install the windows scb binary into a vm in this environment 
I can see the athena driver, I'd not tried the other readers there thus far.

Now /sbin/lsusb does show the athena reader, the gempc twin and the scm sdi010 
but I'm missing the logical jump between that presence and the absence in 


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