--On Wednesday, December 31, 2008 09:07:52 AM +0200 Alon Bar-Lev 
<alon.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Are they actually supposed
>>  to be private, per PKCS#15?  None of the profiles I looked at do this;
>>  are you updating them all, or just cryptoflex?
> The PKCS#15 implementation already supported private data objects, if you
> set --auth-id when you used the --store-data at pkcs15-init. The problem
> is that nobody finished the task, and the profile always marked them as
> public. The above change fixes PKCS#15 too... So that if you use
> pkcs15-init you can store private and public objects.
> Andreas changed all the profiles to support the new directory. I checked
> it also using asepcos.

OK; this now makes perfect sense to me.

>>  Why the change in fileid?  It's not like I have the documentation in
>>  front of me, but I'm pretty sure that's not one of the special ones.
>>  In any case, the fileID's you mention are specific to the cryptoflex
>>  profile.
> Can you please check it out?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that only the PIN and KEY fileid's are magical; the 
others are just chosen to be conveniently different from anything else in 
the PKCS#15 DF and so that OR'ing them with a PIN or key ID doesn't result 
in something that collides with a magical ID (for example, 0000, 0100, or 
1000 would be poor choices for prefixes).  4700 should be safe.

I have a blank cryptoflex here I can test on; I'll give your changes a try 
in the next few days, just to give independent confirmation that everything 
works as expected.

-- Jeff
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