Can someone post a diff or point at the change number for this, I will
need to backport it to stable and oldstable.

* Andreas Jellinghaus ( wrote:
> OpenSC today released a new version OpenSC 0.11.7 with these changes:
> * hide_empty_slots now on by default.
> * pinpad supported fixed for Mac OS X.
> * ruToken driver was updated.
> * openct virtual readers reduced to 2 by default.
> * link with iconv on Mac OS X for i18n support.
> * Security issue: Fix private data support.
> * Enable lock_login by default.
> * Disable allow_soft_keygen by default.
> Regards, Andreas Jellinghaus
> Security update for OpenSC
> ==========================
> OpenSC Security Advisory [26-Feb-2009] CVE-2009-0368
> ----------------------------------------------------
> OpenSC stores private data without proper access restrictions.
> User "b.badrignans" reported this security problem on December 4th, 2008.
> In June 2007 support form private data objects was added to OpenSC. Only later
> a severe security bug was found out: while the OpenSC PKCS#11 implementation
> requires PIN verification to access the data, low level APDU commands or 
> debugging tools like opensc-explorer or opensc-tool can access the private 
> data without any authentication. This was fixed in OpenSC 0.11.7.
> RSA keys are not affected by this security problem. National eID cards and 
> other cards initialised by other software are not affected by this problem. 
> Only blank cards initialised with OpenSC are affected by this problem. It is 
> not known if the problem is limited to some drivers, but we believe all 
> drivers are affected. We could only test very few cards, but all of them had 
> the problem, and the fix worked on all of them. All other cards are 
> completely 
> untested for either.
> This fix only improves creating new private data objects. Cards already 
> initialised with such private data objects need to be modified to repair the 
> access control conditions on such cards. One way to do that is to erase the 
> card and re-initialise it, but doing this you would loose all content on the 
> card, including RSA private keys. An alternative is to download the private 
> data object(s) to your PC, delete them on the card, and store them once more 
> on the card with the new, fixed version of OpenSC. This procedure has been
> tested with success on some cards, but no guaranty of any kind can be given.
> WARNING! Only follow this procedure if you know what you are doing.
> This could damage your card or erase all data on it! No warranty of any kind,
> you are on your own! WARNING!
> Testing your card:
>   To create a file with a secret:
>     echo "This is my secret data" > secret-file
>   To initialise a blank card:
>     pkcs15-init  --create-pkcs15  --use-default-transport-keys \
>         --profile pkcs15+onepin --pin 123456 --puk 78907890
>   To write a private data object to the card:
>     pkcs11-tool --label "my secret"  --type data --write-object secret-file \
>          --private --login --pin 123456
>   To see all objects on the card:
>      pkcs15-tool --dump
>      This will list the data object, including the path it is stored, e.g.:
>      "Path:            3f0050154701"
>   To access such an object with low level tools:
>     opensc-explorer
>     cd 5015
>     get 4701
>     New versions of OpenSC will not allow this to succeed. For older
>     versions the file name is usually 4601 for the first data object
>     (private or not), and it is never protected, thus you can download
>     the content with the get command.
>   After testing you can erase a card with this command:
>     pkcs15-init --erase-card --use-default-transport-keys
> WARNING! Only follow this procedure if you know what you are doing.
> This could damage your card or erase all data on it! No warranty of any kind,
> you are on your own! WARNING!
> Other security changes
> ----------------------
> When OpenSC was created some cards could already create RSA keys on card,
> but other popular cards could only execute signing and decryption on card,
> but not create RSA key. The OpenSC code was written to use the hardware RSA
> key creation, if the card supports it, and - to make things easier for 
> everyone - to create an RSA key in software, if the card does not support it. 
> This could always be turned off with the "soft_keygen_allowed" in the config 
> file.
> We have not heard of any user of such old cards without the capability to 
> create RSA keys for a long time. Thus we changed the default of the 
> soft_keygen_allowed option to false in OpenSC 0.11.7. Users of Siemens CardOS 
> based smart cards will still need to turn this option on, if they want to use 
> the "split-key" option to work around limitations in the CardOS card 
> operating 
> system (not being able to have RSA keys valid for both signing and 
> decryption).
> OpenSC used to lock access to a smart card, when applications used the Login
> function with OpenSC. This option was disabled by default a while ago, because
> popular applications like Firefox and Thunderbird call the Login function when
> they are started (and OpenSC is configured as PKCS#11 module). If locking is
> enabled, you cannot run both applications at the same time, as the first gets
> the lock, and the second is stuck till the first application is quit. Also 
> you can't use any other application at the same time, for example you can't
> use a screensaver with smart card authentication.
> Still we revised this default setting in OpenSC 0.11.7 and enabled lock_login
> by default. This will harm all users of several concurrent applications trying
> to use smart cards. But without locking we cannot rule out the possibility of
> a security issue in some race scenario. Also some applications seem to not 
> work properly without lock_login enabled.
> Security fixes available
> ------------------------
> md5sum opensc-0.11.7.tar.gz 
> 419e9be372c2f9bbb3ce9704c929d5ec  opensc-0.11.7.tar.gz
> sha1sum opensc-0.11.7.tar.gz 
> f91f66bb350d94c07fb01e427c936ce56f1c7d0d  opensc-0.11.7.tar.gz
> sha256sum opensc-0.11.7.tar.gz 
> 6dab273cbdba8e92c59207715199f48f4f9e541e6d873561e30154bd40c4011d 
> In our subversion repository the private data fix is available as revision 
> 3605, the new default settings are commited in revision 3604. Note however 
> that we can support only released versions of OpenSC and current trunk. If 
> you 
> have a problem with an older version or patched version, you need to try the 
> latest release.
> State of OpenSC
> ===============
> I believe that security software should be simple, well designed, well writen
> and actively maintained by a dedicated team.
> I'm sad to inform you that OpenSC is a rather large and complex software,
> the design shows that is clearly grown over the years. Most developers stopped
> being interested in smart cards many years ago, only few are left, of those
> nearly noone actually uses smart cards day to day. Time for improving OpenSC
> is scarce if it exists at all, and not a single developer knows the OpenSC
> core code in detail.
> OpenSC is working fine for some applications, like using it with openssh
> for smart card authenticated ssh login, or for console login with a pam 
> module, or testing and learning about smart cards. But in general you need to 
> judge yourself if the state of OpenSC is compatible with your requirements.
> The projects needs more developers and a new project maintainer. If you are 
> interested in spending your free time to work with smart cards, we would like 
> to welcome you to the project, and will try to help you and support your work.
> Binary distributions
> ====================
> Our Mac OS X Installer Package "SCA" is well maintained and a new version
> including this new version will be available soon. Al versions up to and
> including are vulnerable, but the new experimental 0.2.5-pre1
> and the final 0.2.5 will include the fixed OpenSC 0.11.7.
> Our old Windows Installer Package "SCB" is also affected by this 
> vulnerability: All versions are affected. We don't have any windows developer 
> left, so no one can update this package.
> New windows binaries build using mingw are available in the "Build" project. 
> Version 001 and 002 are both vulnerable, a new version 003 with OpenSC 0.11.7 
> will be soon available.
> Contact and Feedback
> ====================
> If you have questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us on 
> our 
> mailing lists "opensc-devel" or "opensc-user". You need to subscribe to these 
> lists before posting, as we are getting a lot of spam each day and do not 
> have 
> the resource to sort out valid email.
> Regards, Andreas Jellinghaus
> _______________________________________________
> opensc-devel mailing list

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