On 03.03.2009, at 19:03, Gustavo Fernández wrote:
> I am using the opensc/sca proyect to access to a smartcard from  
> java. The java code loads the dynamic library (opensc-pkcs11.so) and  
> sign some documents. When i access to the library using the mac osx   
> java 5 (32 bits) version, the library loads fine, but when i load  
> the library from java 6 (64 bits) the code throws an exception.
> Is there a 64 bits version of the opensc/sca library?, is it  
> possible to compile the library from source and create a 64 bits  
> compatible version? any experience doing so?

If you only need OpenSC to be 64bits, you can download OpenSC from SVN  
and compile it with something like this:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig
export CFLAGS="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -arch ppc - 
arch i386 -arch ppc64 -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5"

./configure --prefix=/Library/OpenSC \
--sysconfdir=/Library/OpenSC/etc \
--disable-man \
--disable-doc \
--enable-pcsc \
--without-pinentry \

This way make; sudo make install replaces OpenSC inside the SCA  
package with your 64bit extended version, which is safe. We should  
probably include 64bit binaries with binary builds as well.
You also need to run ./bootstrap to generate the configure script and  
you'll need auto* tools (from fink) and pkg-config for this to work.

Martin Paljak

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