After reading messages on this list it gets pretty clear that smart card 
must be one of the most difficult things you can think of.

As some of you know, I'm in the (long-term...) process of defining a "smarter 
smart card".
Eventually it should have its own USB-class but that is slow route which would 
disable the
chance of making a proof-of-concept in a reasonable fashion.

So (inspired by serveral other who have proposed using files rather than APIs),
I have come up with the idea that the smarter smart card maybe could reuse the 
mass memory interface but only exhibit two predefined virtual files "input" and 

I.e. each API call would be translated to a stream of bytes written to "input" 
while the
result would be taken from "output".    This scheme should also allow full 12 
operation which is rather much a requirement since a single Information Card may
be as large as 100Kb.

Naturally there must be a PKCS #11 as well but it will be extremely thin, what's
not so thin though is the "air-tight" provisioning system but it can be written 
in Java
and be 100% platform independent.

The (anticipated) development system:

The core principles behind the smarter smart card:



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