Am Montag 14 Dezember 2009 11:42:58 schrieb Ludovic Rousseau:
> An encoding on more than 1 byte and starting with 0x00 is using the
> new/corrected encoder. And it should be correctly decoded by both
> decoders. On the other cases I don't think you can differentiate the
> encoding.
> OpenSC would try to decode using both the old and new code. And decide
> which values to use using heuristics (like negative values are
> forbidden) but I guess that will soon be a nightmare to maintain.
> Sorry for all the problems because of my change.

no worries, fixing a bug in pkcs#15 format (asn.1 encoding in this
case) was a real good idea, and helps us to improve compatibility.

and for the problems we face now - well, we will find a way.

Regards, Andreas
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