On 2010-07-18 15:46, Stef Walter wrote:

> I'm thinking of using PAM for ideas. If you're familiar with PAM the
> following will make sense:
>  * Directory of configuration files one per application.
>  * Each file specifies modules to load.
>  * Default configuration file when an application doesn't have its own.
>  * Optional string to pass in as C_Initialize's pReserved so we
>    can modules like NSS.
> I will ask around elsewhere besides OpenSC though. It's hard to believe
> I'm the first one who has run into this need.

I'm not familiar with PAM but with other applications using
PKCS #11 like browsers, e-mail and CAs.

I think it would be a major achievement makimg PKCS #11
providers discoverable.  As it is now each application
must either be manually configured or the provider installation
is mucking around in the applications' config files.

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