
On Aug 23, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Goran Rakic wrote:
> Martin asked me to share my findings about the Serbian national eID
> smart card, something I will be more than happy to post to this list.

It would be nice to support the eID card in OpenSC, as eID cards are the most 
common (contact) smart cards in EU, after GSM SIM and EMV cards. If they 
contain crypto keys, they become the easiest and cheapest smart cards usable 
for "other things" as well.

> To my knowledge there is no published technical specification. The
> company which is implementing the PKI for the Ministry of Internal
> Affairs of Republic of Serbia is a local company named NetSet
> (http://www.netset.rs). I did not try to get technical data from the
> Ministry or the NetSet. This is something I will most certainly at least
> try to do once I have enough time and knowledge how can I use it to
> implement OpenSC support for the smart card.
Yes, please ask them for a specification. Eventually, I guess almost all 
proprietary eID cards in European region have eventually disclosed the specs to 
some extent, fighting it would be useless in the long run.

> I can run the middleware inside the VM and trace calls to my reader
> using usbmon, analyzing them with logdecode from carddecoders. My plan
> is to do the tracing during the digital signing and I hope this will
> give me some interesting findings about the card.
> Probably I am not the best who should try this as everything with the
> smart cards is very unknown to me as the developer, but it should be
> also fun to learn something new.
> Is this how the things are supposed to work? Should I try something
> different first? Is there some documentation available on how one can
> add support for a new card? I read somewhere that card driver and the
> PKCS#15 emulation are required for every smart card, is that true?
A card driver is needed to provide support for non-standard (not ISO7816-4/8) 
operations, or the iso7816 driver in OpenSC needs to be improved for better 
conformance to support the card, if there are deficiencies in the driver.
A PKCS#15 emulation driver is needed if your card is not PKCS#15 or if it is 
easier two write an emulation driver than it is to tweak the rest of OpenSC to 
support your card. The right thing, of course, would be to tweak OpenSC.

A "new card driver/new developer initiation guide" would do good, maybe a wiki 
page with such theme could be useful. With some high level overview of 
libopensc internals, that is of no interest to integrators or users.

Martin Paljak

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