Dear opensc developers,

I would like to propose the following simplification of the internal
'struct sc_pkcs15_card'.

typedef struct sc_pkcs15_card {

        sc_card_t *card;

        unsigned int flags;
        unsigned int magic;
        unsigned int pin_cache_counter;

        sc_file_t *file_app;
        sc_file_t *file_odf;
        sc_file_t *file_tokeninfo;
        sc_file_t *file_unusedspace;

        sc_pkcs15_df_t *df_list;
        sc_pkcs15_object_t *obj_list;
        sc_pkcs15_tokeninfo_t *tokeninfo;
        sc_pkcs15_unusedspace_t *unusedspace_list;

        void *dll_handle;
        struct sc_pkcs15_operations ops;
} sc_pkcs15_card_t;

The main difference to the current definition is, that everything that
belongs to tokeninfo would be accessible through p15card->tokeninfo. In
my opinion, grouping all tokeninfo related attributes under
p15card->tokeninfo better reflects the meaning of these attributes.

The purpose of this redefinition is maintains only and can be seen as a
follow up to changeset [2872][1] by Ludovic Rousseau, who introduced the
dedicated structure sc_pkcs15_tokeninfo_t. And since the upcoming 0.12
release will break (internal) pkcs15 API anyway, inclusion of this
modification should not harm. I will prepare the patch, if reception of
this proposal is positive.

Some additional thoughts:

1. there exists already the data type sc_pkcs15_tokeninfo_t but the
current definition of sc_pkcs15_card_t duplicates all its attributes

2. the attribute 'flags' is overused, because it holds flags from two
completely different domains (pkcs15 and internal flags mixed) [4][5]

3. use_file_cache, use_pin_cache are actually flags and could be defined
as such

4. the current definition has evolved from the very beginning of opensc
with more and more additions of attributes [6]

5. OpenSC source code is almost uncommented, therefore over complex data
structures should be avoided

Kind Regards
Andre Zepezauer


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