OK, further to my previous post earlier, I have now made significant 

For some strange reason the link I quoted in the previous post used to 
download version 0.6.3 (even though the latest version is 0.6.4) and I 
did not check the file itself as my own (Fedora-distributed) version was 
0.6.2-2. When I had another crack later today and tried to download the 
same file it downloaded the correct version (0.6.4).

I was able to create rpm package using the 0.6.2-2 version .spec file 
with the only change being the version number (0.6.2 -> 0.6.4) and the 
revision (2 -> 0). After executing "rpmbuild -bb" everything compiled OK 
without a problem and I had my rpm file ready. I was then able to 
install the new version and tested it straight away with the console 
login (Alt-F2) - SUCCESS! No errors whatsoever! I was asked for my card 
pin end then logged in to the console without problems.

I am still unable to make the graphical interface (gdm) login work 
though. I am assuming that I have to change /etc/pam.d/gdm and add the 
same line as I did with /etc/pam.d/login ("auth sufficient 
pam_pkcs11.so"). Is that right?

Because when I do that it seems to be ignored completely - the Fedora 
login window (which shows my full name and an icon, followed by another 
option called 'Other') does not actually give me the opportunity to 
'press space' - if I do that It is the same as if I have selected myself 
and then I am prompted for my login password, not the card PIN.

When I select 'Other' I am resented with a text field to complete the 
user login name (similar to the one on the text console) and when I 
press space - " " - and then Enter I am asked for a password, not the 
card PIN.

Am I missing something here? Is there a different file I need to edit 
(not /etc/pam.d/gdm) or is there something else I should know?

On a separate note, the Smart card prompt syntax is incorrect! It shows 
"Found the <Smart Card>." where in fact the proper syntax should be 
"<Smart Card> found." I thought I should point this out so that it can 
be amended/fixed.
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