
at the moment I'm investigating the max_x_size problem. Here is a short
preview of things I found so far. More detailed results will be attached
to #269.

Current state of affairs:

1. currently I concentrate only on USB CCID devices
2. there are in fact three different kinds
        * TPDU
        * Short APDU
        * Short and Extended APDU
3. TPDU and Ext-APDU devices don't need special handling.
   It's for sure that these devices would at least transmit EVERY
   Short APDU (255/256) (A fact to remember)
   References that confirm that fact: [1] [2]
4. looking closer at the third kind of devices (only Short APDU),
   let to an interesting result. The following list will show.
        * fist column is dwMaxCCIDMessageLength
        * second column is a file under pcsclite/trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers

261     Aktiv_Rutoken_Magistra.txt
261     Gemalto_PDT.txt
261     GnD_StarSignCardToken550.txt
261     JCOP41V221.txt
261     Oberthur-CosmoCard1.txt
261     Oberthur-CosmoCard.txt
261     Philips_SmartMX.txt
271     ACR122U_PICC.txt
271     Akasa_AK-CR-03.txt
271     Aktiv_Rutoken_ECP.txt
271     Alcor_SCR001.txt
271     ATMEL_AT91SC192192CT-USB.txt
271     ATMEL_AT91SO.txt
271     ATMEL_AT98SC032CT.txt
271     ATMEL_VaultIC420.txt
271     ATMEL_VaultIC440.txt
271     ATMEL_VaultIC460.txt
271     AU9520.txt
271     CardMan3021.txt
271     CardMan3121.txt
271     CardMan3621.txt
271     CardMan3821.txt
271     CardMan4321.txt
271     CardMan5121.txt
271     CardMan5125.txt
271     CardMan5321.txt
271     CardMan6121.txt
271     CherrySmartBoardXX1X.txt
271     CherrySmartTerminalXX1X.txt
271     CherrySmartTerminalXX7X.txt
271     CherryST1044U.txt
271     CherryXX33.txt
271     CherryXX44.txt
271     Covadis_Auriga.txt
271     FujitsuSiemens_SmartCard_Keyboard_USB_2A.txt
271     FujitsuSiemens_SmartCard_USB_2A.txt
271     GemPC433_SL.txt
271     KAAN_SIM_III.txt
271     mIDentity.txt
271     Omnikey_noname1.txt
271     Sitecom_MD-010.txt
271     Smart_SBV280.txt
271     SpringCard_CrazyWriter.txt
271     SpringCard_CSB6_Basic.txt
271     SpringCard_CSB6_Secure.txt
271     SpringCard_CSB6_Ultimate.txt
271     SpringCard_EasyFinger_Standard.txt
271     SpringCard_EasyFinger_Ultimate.txt
271     SpringCard_Prox_N_Roll.txt
271     Teo.txt
271     Todos_AGM2_CCID.txt
271     Todos_Cx00.txt
271     Vasco_DP905.txt
271     Xiring_Leov2.txt
271     Xiring_XI-SIGN_6000.txt
271     Xiring_XI-SIGN.txt
278     GemProxDU_contactless.txt
278     GemProxSU_contactless.txt
280     GnD_StarSignCardToken350.txt
512     TianYu_CCID_SmartKey.txt
512     VMware_Virtual_USB_CCID.txt
2048    GoldKey_PIV_Token.txt

Assuming that devices with dwMaxCCIDMessageLength=261 are all USB_Tokens
and not readers. Then it looks like that all these readers of third kind
can also handle 255/256.

All in all this let to the conclusion that all known USB CCID devices
can handle at least 255/256. (data set is retrieved from libccid source

And this in turn would make the description in opensc.conf very brief.
Maybe like this: "If you have a usb device, then you can go with the


[1] http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/DWG_Smart-Card_CCID_Rev110.pdf
[2] http://pcsclite.alioth.debian.org/ccid_extended_apdu.html

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