Dear OpenSC developers,

it seems to me that there are some myths in the OpenSC community about
the send/receive limitations of cards and readers.

In OpenSC there are two places where limitations on send/receive sizes
could be imposed. These are based on capabilities of cards and readers.
Maybe there are cards with limitations, but at least ACOS5 and STARCOS
shouldn't have. The ACOS5 manual states that it supports PUT DATA with
Lc=255 (Section 5.28) and in the driver Le=256 is used several times.
The STARCOS 1.2 manual (published in 1996) doesn't state anything on
send/receive limitations. Other candidates are westcos, which isn't a
PKI card anyway and entersafe with manual available only under NDA.

Complete list of effected cards looks like this:
acos5, akis, atrust-acos, entersafe, gpk, miocos, starcos, westcos

My assumption is, that some of the limitations are artificial and
effected cards could send/receive more than they do at the moment. But I
don't have one of these cards and therefore can't verify it myself. 

That's why I need your help. If you have one of these cards, then please
remove the lines card->max_send_size, card->max_recv_size in the driver
and run some tests afterwards. I.e. opensc-tool -f would be fine. Or
just write some data objects with:
pkcs15-init -W [file] --application-id "1.2.3" --label "MyObject" -a 01

Please include log-files with APDU sequences in your reply. Vendor and
Model of reader would be helpful too.

Kind Regards
Andre Zepezauer

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