
To be honest I can't follow the discussion in detail, nor do I want to add oil 
to the continued dialogue unless one of the following is true:
 - OpenSC shall now create data structures that are not PKCS#15 conforming 
(requires a consensus on interpretation), or break some other 
"SignificantSoftware" or "SignificantSolution" (affects 90% of users)
 - OpenSC will have demonstrated regressions with new code for cards that have 
been personalized with earlier versions of OpenSC.
 - Will it create cards that will have demonstrated unrecoverable regressions 
if anything is changed from "now" to "before" with cards created in between?
 - Does it break anything *right now*?

For me the overall changes seem legit, yet I can easily ignore some fine 
nuances of the specs or code or just have too little background information to 
know for sure.
Maybe a more precise "before", "now", "actually required" behavior examples 
would do good, without having to re-interpret several specs to come to the same 
examples and conclusions.


On Jan 17, 2011, at 6:09 PM, Andre Zepezauer wrote:

> Hello Viktor,
> from Changeset 5094 [1]:
> "[...] 'path' is [now] mandatory for the 'Local' PINs."
> I think of it as a temporary solution to fix a weakness of "IAS ECC"
> cards as specified by The Gixel Group [2]. But keep in mind that the
> behaviour up to revision 4927 was conforming with PKCS#15 and ISO
> 7816-15. After your changes [3] that isn't the case any longer. 
> As stated in another thread [4] it will break Java Cards and you should
> be prepared to move that hack into an emulator.
> Regards
> Andre
> [1] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/changeset/5094
> [2] 
> http://www.gixel.fr/includes/cms/_contenus/bibliotheque/file/CAP%20/IAS%20ECC%20v1_0_1UK.pdf
> [3] 
> http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/changeset?reponame=&new=5094%40trunk%2Fsrc%2Flibopensc%2Fpkcs15-pin.c&old=4927%40trunk%2Fsrc%2Flibopensc%2Fpkcs15-pin.c
> [4] 
> http://www.opensc-project.org/pipermail/opensc-devel/2011-January/015697.html
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