
On Jan 24, 2011, at 6:07 PM, Martin Paljak wrote:
> The next step, for next release, is to get automated (nightly) builds and 
> automated tests.

After re-doing the hudson/jenkins installation a few times, the preliminary 
result is here:

Mr. Jenkins for OpenSC  - http://martinpaljak.net:8888/

> So this is the plan for 0.12.1 (in addition to casual code fixes and 
> improvements)
> - Set up Hudson [1] master for OpenSC
>  - Hudson, because it is to my knowledge the easiest system for setting up 
> and running a build slave, which must be very simple for this effort to 
> succeed.
> - Set up workflow, necessary scripts, documentation etc to produce nightly 
> builds and publish them to opensc-project.org
> - Set up a sub-repository for card based test scripts and a dashboard for 
> showing the collected test results.

The next steps are:
 * Re-work the setup, again. I'll revert some nodes and do clean(er) virtual 
machines. Maybe scrap the current setup one more time and do it from scratch, 
documenting the process publicly.
 * Find dedicated OS X nodes (current OS X builds run on my laptop "maybe every 
other day or when I switch it on"). If you have a mac mini or something similar 
to dedicate for this purpose, let me know. This is not critical.
 * Set up a secure route to push build results to 
http://www.opensc-project.org/downloads/. Mostly a key management task, some 
additional scripting and installing for Windows is needed.
 * Iterate and improve the build cycle (improve build reporting, reduce bugs 
reported by different build and tools, better automation (more visible build 
revisions in binaries and docs etc))
 * Fix Windows builds (reduce dependencies, #323) and start to emit native 
Windows installers nightly.
 * Set up the infrastructure in SVN (scripts) and wiki (documentation) to start 
running dedicated test against dedicated cards and report back. This requires 
some Jenkins plugin research (for nice graphs etc) as well as lots of work on 
test scripts.

The next version -  0.12.1 - will come automagically from the nightly builds, 
at least up to RC-s. "Master builds" might get still done semi-manually in a 
pristine and otherwise mostly offline VM.

People who could contribute some CPU cycles and disk bytes and network bits by  
running slaves (with specialized jobs, to be agreed upon) should start to think 
about it soon.


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