On Mar 31, 2011, at 15:34 , Tomas Gustavsson wrote:
> One of Windows gifts to developers, randomized pathnames :-)

Well, not really. You get the same kind of stuff with Gnome for example, I have 
"~/Töölaud" folder instead of "~/Desktop" and I know that OS X does some fancy 
tricks with localized bundle/folder names as well but I don't know the details.

You can tweak the paths (or displayed names in OS X) both on Windows and on 
Linux but for *easily* repeatable builds the defaults are chosen for 
(semi-)hard-coded paths in scripts where it matters (like Windows program 

So that you can re-create the build environment by clicking mostly through the 
annoying "yes, next, ok, next" cycle in an environment (OS version and CPU 
architecture) known to be good. Instead of following a 4 pages "setting up the 
environment" guide.
This also allows to track upstream changes and update the tutorials if it is 
possible to scratch the environment and re-do it in a reasonable timeframe when 
something new comes out (new operating system, compiler or some other 
dependency release).



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