Le 22/04/2011 22:24, NdK a écrit :
> Hello all.
> Since Toni can't look at this issue soon, I'm trying to fix it myself.
> The problem is that, at least with Aventra MyEID, every key gets created
> in a way that requires CHV1 for crypto ops, even if --insecure is specified.
> It seems the root of the problem lies in the profile: changing
> CRYPTO=$PIN to CRYPTO=NONE works around it, but it's surely sub-optimal.
> Another, maybe related, problem is that, IIUC the profile syntax, only
> one PIN can be specified,
It's not completely true.
The ACL profile definition "ACL = *=NEVER,READ=$PIN,READ=$SOPIN;" will define  
two linked ACL entries for 'READ' operation.

After that it's up to card specific part to encode this case into the FCP of 
file/object to be created.
The encoding is quite different from one card to another .

Further arrives the question how to use the combined ACLs (properly parsed by 
card specific part back into the linked ACL entries.), describe them in 
PKCS#15, ...
Actually the common part of pkcs15init or pkcs15 cannot process combined ACLs 
where there are more then one authentication method of the same type (for ex. 
two PINs).

> so I can't say that (for example):
> - central office handles card initialization (w/ SO-PIN)
Central office could be presented by the other authentication method: SM or 
external authentication.
(xPIN authentication is not quite secure for the administration tasks.)
Support of these authentication methods is in the road-map of OpenSC.

> - a key must be "authorized" (generated in presence of) a delegated
> technician (CHV1) -- maybe to later issue a certificate that requires
> face-to-face recognition
> - doing crypto ops on that key may be protected by a PIN (any CHV, as
> specified by -a N) or left unsecured (--insecure)
> - more keys can be generated by the user w/o requiring the technician
> While to leave it unprotected I can play with the profile, I don't see
> any way to protect it with a different pin (unless I can specify
> directly CHVn instead of $PIN, and even then I could think some
> scenarios where it would require quite a lot of profiles juggling).
> I still find it quite difficult to follow code flow, even if I'm
> beginning to understand it a bit... So any pointer could be helpful.
> Tks,
>    Diego.

Kind wishes,

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