On 26/04/2011 19:16, Anders Rundgren wrote:

> As far as I know not a single HSM (even those who cost $20 000)
> out there is able to certify that keys actually were created
> inside of the HSM!!!  A $10-$20 SKS always attests the origin
> of created keys using a built-in device key and certificate.
Then you have to trust that certificate, trust that it's been installed 
securely, trust who issued it... Quite a lot of things you can't 
control, don't you think?
What about a "virgin" device that the first time you turn it on 
generates a new key and only accepts "set params", "generate new key", 
"get self-signed cert" and "store this cert" until *you* store a cert?
You can do it on an offline PC, booted from a CD. You have full control. 
Fear TEMPEST attacks? Just use a jammer and do some random data transfer 
to other USB devices...

If the device doesn't accept "store key" command, then all keys it uses 
must have been generated locally :)

> With a planned addition to KeyGen2 you will be able to put
> certificates in devices (servers, routers, etc) using a
> SCEP-like process that (due to the device certificate) can
> be performed [securely] without an enrollment password.
I still miss the sense of SCEP. Must study it... But I fear it just 
shifts security perimeter to another entity.

> SKS is a "simple smartcard".  That it looks complex is because
> provisioning is really 10 times as complex as performing an
> "RSA Sign".
IIUC, just because "you" are using the wrong security perimeter at the 
wrong time.
*If* you can *securely* load a single cert on the HSM, then all is easy 
(even easier than RSA, if you want). If you can't, *nothing* can be trusted.
If, at initialization, you store a second certificate for administrator 
(even if I'd prefer weights for a Tree Parity Machine to be used as a 
shared symmetric key generator, to have perfect forward secrecy even in 
case of compromise), you're OK and can administer securely the HSM from 
anywhere. And since you're working inside a trusted perimeter, you don't 
need convoluted protocols that only delegate security to another party.

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