Playing with OpenDNIe on MacOSX 10.6 I found a nasty ¿bug?¿feature?:
Once the PIN is entered, the keychain layer remembers it forever :-(

By mean of a friend's report I found this link:


"The smart card support code in securityd provides each Tokend with a
cache directory where it may deposit cached information for a particular
token (so that if the card is re- inserted and recognized as the same,
the cache directory is made available to the Tokend for its use). Any
actual caching is the work of the Tokend in question. The keychain layer
itself does not cache anything from a smart card."

So seems that OpenSC stores in their tokend cache info about pin.
Is this a known feature?
Is it desirable?
¿How can we control tokend cache behaviour?

Juan Antonio

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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