
I haven't read the whole thread, but you might find this library useful (it is 
easier to use than JNI/JNA):


Best regards


> Od: "NdK" <ndk.cla...@gmail.com>
> Komu: <opensc-devel@lists.opensc-project.org>
> Datum: 02.08.2011 13:52
> Předmět: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11
>Hi all!
>Maybe it's nearly OT, but I think it could be useful for other readers.
>I've found that a quite recurring problem in accessing tokens from java
>is the "PKCS11 not found" exception.
>Disabling hot plug support, as suggested in the past to another user,
>didn't work in my case.
>The "-Djava.security.debug=sunpkcs11" 'workaround' is quite
>unsatisfactory (really slows down startup), but I've found that using
>SunPKCS11 and a config file containing:
>name = smartcard
>library = /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
>(so, specifying the slotListIndex) I can actually avoid that exception.
>But every user should determine his own slotListIndex (and, IIUC, it
>changes if there are certs under different PINs).
>What I still miss:
>- why can't I read certs out of the card even if they're publicly readable?
>- once I can read a cert, how could I determine which slot I should
>authenticate against to use the corresponding private key?
>- should I avoid SunPKCS11 and base my program on "simple" PC/SC?
> Diego.
>opensc-devel mailing list
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