2011/8/26 Viktor Tarasov <viktor.tara...@gmail.com>:
> Le 26/08/2011 16:40, Ludovic Rousseau a écrit :
>> 2011/8/25 Viktor Tarasov<viktor.tara...@gmail.com>:
>>> In the OpenSC context the detached reader/token is unknown before the
>>> SCardGetStatusChange() called.
>>> In windows, XP or Vista, the ScardGetStatusChange called for unknown
>>> reader
>>> The last revision of pcsc-lite, in such a case, returns the
>>> SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER, which seems to be more appropriate to the
>>> situation.
>> This is very strange. I do not have that on my Windows XP SP 3.
>> I compile and run the following program:
>> // pcsc.cpp : main project file.
>> #include "stdafx.h"
>> #include<stdio.h>
>> #include<winscard.h>
>> using namespace System;
>> int main(array<System::String ^>  ^args)
>> {
>>        LONG rv;
>>        SCARDCONTEXT context;
>>        SCARD_READERSTATE readers[2];
>>        rv = SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_SYSTEM, NULL,
>> NULL,&context);
>>        printf("%08X\n", rv);
>>        readers[0].szReader = L"foo";
>>        readers[1].szReader = L"bar";
>>        rv = SCardGetStatusChange(context, 100, readers, 2);
>>        printf("%08X\n", rv);
>>        rv = SCardReleaseContext(context);
>>        printf("%08X\n", rv);
>>     return 0;
>> }
>> And I get as output:
>> 00000000
>> 80100009
>> 00000000
>> 80100009 is SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER.
>> So I do not get SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLE as you do.
> Ok,
> you have the SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER in the context of your test on 'your'
> Windows,
> I have SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLE in the context of OpenSC on 'my' Windows
> .
> On 'my' Windows your Python test gives 'SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLE' .
> I have no intention to perceive mysteries of Windows -- in any case both
> these errors has to be treated by OpenSC (as well as different behavior of
> the different pcsc-lite versions). And it's not complicated, because both
> these SCARD_E errors are translated by reader-pcsc.c into the same error
> For the OpenSC there is no difference between two SCARD_E errors and this
> difference has no impact onto the proposed solution for the bug with the
> detached token .
> Have you any comments for the proposed solution ?


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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