-----Original Message-----
From: martin.pal...@gmail.com [mailto:martin.pal...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of 
Martin Paljak
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 3:35 PM
To: Witvliet, J, CDC/IVENT/OPS/I&S/HIN
Cc: opensc-devel@lists.opensc-project.org
Subject: Re: [opensc-devel] serialnumber


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 13:27,  <j.witvl...@mindef.nl> wrote:
> According to the openvpn-docu, (at the server-side) one of their environment 
> variables, "tls_id_0" should contain the hexadecimal value of the certificate.
> In reality in contains completely other fields, like CN=, OU=, O= and C=.

I guess the tls_id_0 should contain exactly this, the subject of the

> Is there any tool to lookup the serialnumber of a certificate stored on a 
> smartcard directly?
> I know I can export the certificate manually and use openssl to analyse it, 
> but can it be done with one of the pkcs* open opensc* tools?

pkcs15-tool --read-certificate <num> | openssl x509 -text

-----Original Message-----

Would like to try it, but the pkcs15-tool fails with "unsupported card"

With pkcs11-tool I hev to provide "--module /usr/lib/libaetpkss.so.3.0" .
But pkcs15-tool does not have the "--module" option.


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