On Sep 18, 2011, at 12:17 , Anders Rundgren wrote:

> It seems that there are big hopes associated with Microsoft's MiniDriver.
>From where?

> I don't understand why because it is poorly documented, has zero
> standards status, and has AFAIK only been implemented in Windows.
And will only be implemented on MS platforms. It is a vendor mechanism and will 
remain one, IMHO.

> Another issue is that I don't see how the MiniDriver provisioning model
> could be transferred to mobile phones since the concept of shared
> secrets for card management assumes that there is a relation between
> the card and the issuer which doesn't scale particularly well.
> Why is this even important you may wonder?  Because "Virtual Smart
> Cards" using embedded security HW is already a feature in Windows 8:
> http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/BUILD/BUILD2011/HW-462T

Interesting, will watch. But I'm still no believer for the TC/TPM field, in 
consumer products (like Windows, maybe for Apple ;))


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