On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 10:44, Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE
<jmpo...@gooze.eu> wrote:
> Here is outlined a PINPAD fix (read second comment):
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=2247688&aid=3489002&group_id=553887
> I would like to know your opinion about the proposed solution.

The comment points out a possible problem with pintest test program,
which should not affect the overall functioning of the pinpad, for
example through PKCS#11.

From the comment:
"The problem is that getpass will not return empty string if return
key is pressed on the computer keyboard."

From getpass(3) on Debian 6:
" The function getpass() returns a pointer to a static buffer
containing (the  first  PASS_MAX  bytes of) the password without the
trailing new‐line, terminated by a null byte ('\0'). "

So the input should be a null string with getpass on Debian. But the
man page also tells that "This function is obsolete.  Do not use it."

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