On 6/7/2012 7:46 AM, Jon wrote:
> The T-buffer is the Tag Buffer.  I think the card conforms to Government 
> Smart Card Interoperability Specification.
> (GSC-IS) as defined in NIST 6887.  In particular the card is a military 
> Alt-Token.

That standard predates the PIV standards, NIST 800-73-3.
What is the ATR? I might be a dual PIV/CAC card.

OpenSC can use PIV.
(Windows 7 also has a built in driver for PIV,
and if you insert your card, you can see the certificates
using the Control panel-> Internet Options->Content->Certificates)

> The commands I'm sending to the card are...
> Select the object.
> 00 A4 04 00 07 a0 00 00 00 79 02 FE.

This AID looks like it is a CAC card. (Appendix D1 in 6887)
and I think the above should be :
  00 A4 04 00 05 a0 00 00 00 79

Then select the file with the certificate container: 00 FE

00 A4 01 00 02 02 FE
(Not sure if this is correct.

I think you can then read the T-buffer and V-Buffers.

> Next I send a read buffer...
> 80 52 00 00 02 01 d0  Retrieve the Tag Buffer.

Since you did not select another file, I think you were
reading the directory as a file.

> then
> 80 52 00 00 02 02 FF Retrieve FF bytes of the Value buffer.

The T-Buffer would most likely fit in 256 bytes, but the certificates
in the V-buffer will not.
You may have to read this in chunks using the P1 P2 to give the
offset of the data

> The tag buffer has the form   Tag 1 (length 1 - 3 bytes)  Tag 2 ( length 1- 3 
> - bytes) ....
> The value buffer is
> Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, ....
> The tags in the tag buffer are what I'm trying to  figure out..
> Thanks.
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