
2012/9/20 B. Scott Michel <sco...@aero.org>:
> I'm debating whether to submit a pull request on github with patches to
> reduce gcc's warnings to a minimum (actually, completely eliminated.)
> However, the patches violate the coding rules by marking unused
> parameters in static functions -- the "marking" is very explicit and
> very visible.
> I also took care of other issues, such as replacing "int" with "size_t"
> where needed. I should have made the unused param patch separate from
> the integer conversion and other warnings.

Do not "fix" unused param  warnings. The correct way to fix them is to
remove the parameter.

Use -Wno-unused-parameter

> Question (and request for comments): Should I submit the pull request,
> even though the patch would potentially violate the coding conventions?

It is always a good idea to submit a pull request to be able to review it.
Maybe it will be rejected and you will be asked to change it.


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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