2012/9/26 Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE <jmpo...@gooze.eu>:
> Dear all,

Hello Jean-Michel,

> I would like to raise questions about using OpenSC 0.13 under Android. I
> hope that Ben from Feitian can participate in this discussion.
> The idea behind is that Feitian released the iReader, a ccid card reader
> for mobile devices. The iReader is CCID and is supported under OpenSC
> (on computer). GOOZE will be releasing the iReader shortly.

I found the iReader on Feitian site [1]. It looks like an interesting product.

To know how easy (or hard) it will be to port pcsc-lite I would need
more information. The web page is not very informative. For example
the iR301 "Support Win2000+/Linux/Mac OS X/Solaris/Android/iOS
platform". Is it a reader for iPhone? How does it support Win2000 on

I guess Feitian has documentation on how to use the reader. Bur could
not find it.
The web site says "Provide secondary development library". What is the
primary development library?

I also guess Feitian is providing a driver or an API to use the
reader. Do you have some documentation about that?

The same device can be used with iOS and Android? How do you connect
it on an Android device?

Is it a real product? Or just vaporware?


[1] http://www.ftsafe.com/product/Smart_Reader/iReader301

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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