
I am new to Smart Cards and I'm trying to use a Java Card to logon in a
Domain maintained by a Windows Server 2008 R2. I actually can logon using a
non Java card, but i need to use a proprietary software (AET SafeSign) and
a obsolete Smart Card (Starcos SPK 2.3) to do it. I wish to logon using the
less proprietary software i can. I have two Java Cards (Oberthur ID-One
Cosmo v7.0.1 Standard / G&D Sm@rtCafé 3.2 72K) and this what i have done so
far for each of them:

- Compiled MuscleApplet and installed it in the card using GPShell under a
Windows environment (Windows Server 2008 R2).
- In a Linux environment, installed OpenSC and initialized the MuscleApplet
sendind the APDU commands needed.
- Still under Linux, ran pkcs15-init to build pkcs15 structure (i was
getting "Unsupported Card" message, but i changed opensc conf file to force
the use of muscle driver and it worked).
- Then I came back to Windows and installed OpenSC with the .msi installer
(complete install option).
- In the registry Editor, I created a entry to my card ATR:

   - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptograph\Calais\SmartCards\Test
   - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptograph\Calais\SmartCards\Test
      - "ATR"=hex:XX,XX,XX,XX,XX,XX,XX,XX
         - "Crypto Provider"="Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider"
         - "Smart Card Key Storage Provider"="Microsoft Smart Card Key
         Storage Provider"
         - "80000001"="opensc-minidriver.dll

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