On 11/11/2012 11:50 PM, Anthony Foiani wrote:

>> certtool --generate-request --outfile req.pem --load-privkey
>> "pkcs11:yyy" --load-pubkey "pkcs11:xxx"
>> should generate a request from the objects based on a smart card. The
>> pkcs11: URLs are obtained using the "p11tool --list-all --login" command.
> Nice -- thank you for the pointer!
> Unfortunately, I don't think this can work with a keypair generated on
> the CC-HSM.
> First, the public key is only available during the same session that
> generates the pair; it disappears after the session disappears.  One
> can capture the public key at generation time using the instructions
> provided by CardContact here:
> http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/SmartCardHsm#Generatekeypair

Ouch. In that case it can be a problem. I'm not aware of a PKCS #11 way
to extract the public key from a private key, after its generation.
However, with the process use can use the spki file in the command I
send before in place of pkcs11:xxx. You may need to use the --inder
option if it is in DER format.

> Second, the private key is not extractable, so the certtool won't be
> able to load it from the card.  (Unless "--load-privkey" actually
> means "use this privkey, but it's really just a reference to doing it
> on the token itself.)

--load-privkey does not really load the key. It only uses the private
key to sign the request without extracting it.

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