On 11/13/2012 12:26 PM, Viktor Tarasov wrote:
> Hello Andreas,
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Andreas Schwier 
> <andreas.schw...@cardcontact.de <mailto:andreas.schw...@cardcontact.de>> 
> wrote:
>     What I've still on my list is to fix the EC Public Key encoding. The
>     current encoding (basically just the EC point) does not allow to carry
>     domain parameter, so I would like to change that to the
>     SubjectPublicKeyInfo Format.
> Douglas was implementing support of EC curves. (Somewhere there are still few 
> TODOs of him.)

I know. I Have my hands full with Shibboleth at the the present time.
And yes using the SPKI would be a good idea for EC.

> For me there are no objections to change the format.
> If 'raw' choice has been encoded as object's value for EC key,
> also has to be encoded the 'keyInfo' parameter to point to the appropriate 
> tokenInfo's algorithmInfo.
> This algorithmInfo should contain the domain parameter as 
> 'algorithmInfo.parameters'.
> It seems that SPKI (instead of 'raw') choice is easier to use -- no need to 
> encode 'keyInfo'.
>     What I'm not sure about is whether the encoding format for other key 
> types (RSA,DSA,GOST etc) should change to
>     SPKI as well.
> GOST are also elliptic curves, and can have different algorithm.parameters.
> For GOST the SPKI format should be more practical as well.
> The RSA and DSA have no algorithm parameters and so, for them there is no 
> difference.
>     Do you have an overview which cards store the public key encoded with
>     sc_pkcs15_encode_pubkey ?
> sc_pkcs15_encode_pubkey() is used by general pkcs15init part, to encode 
> 'direct' value for PukDF.
> Currently it used by the cards that have 'native' public key (stored in SDOs).
> (If all these cards implement the card specific 'read-public-key' handler -- 
> there is no need to add 'direct' value fo PukDF.)
>     Andreas
> Kind regards,
> Viktor.
>     Am 13.11.2012 10:10, schrieb Viktor Tarasov:
>      > Hello,
>      >
>      > it seems that the reason of recent segmentation faults related to the
>      > uninitialized public key components (t451, t455) is here:
>      > 
> https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC/blob/master/src/libopensc/pkcs15-pubkey.c#L373
>      >
>      >    /* this <publicKeyCoefficients> should be required, not optional.
>      > But it is missing in some siemens cards and thus causes warnings */
>      >    /* so we silence these warnings by making it optional - the card
>      > works ok without. :/ */
>      >
>      > 'Optional' means that if the encoding of the public key do not conform
>      > PKCS#1 (as expected by OpenSC)
>      > the ASN1 decoding procedure silently returns the publicKey data with
>      > uninitialized components.
>      >
>      > The checking of input parameters in OpenSC is not always 
> present/perfect
>      > and this provokes segmentation fault in the modules that use the
>      > 'read-public-key' procedure (tools, pkcs#11).
>      >
>      > As for me, the common library part has to be free of the card specific
>      > issues -- all card specific issues has to be implemented in card 
> drivers.
>      > For that reason, recently was introduced new card operation
>      > 'read-public-key'.
>      > For a while this handler is designed to read out the 'native' public
>      > key (stored in SDOs),
>      > but it can be extended to allow the read out of the non-PKCS#1 content
>      > of the public key EFs .
>      >
>      > If no objections, I will turn off 'optional' flag for the
>      > 'publicKeyCoefficients' and will extend the argument list of
>      > 'read-public-key' handler.
>      > Then 'someone' who interested in support of the proprietary formats in
>      > OpenSC will implement the corresponding parsing procedure in card 
> driver.
>      >
>      > Kind regards,
>      > Viktor.
>      >
>      >
>      >
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>     --
>          ---------    CardContact Software & System Consulting
>         |.##> <##.|   Andreas Schwier
>         |#       #|   Schülerweg 38
>         |#       #|   32429 Minden, Germany
>         |'##> <##'|   Phone +49 571 56149 <tel:%2B49%20571%2056149>
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