On 11/14/2012 9:48 AM, Rns Course wrote:
> Hi all;
> I have a Smart Card (SmartCafe Expert 3.2 72k with JavaCard 2.2.1 and GP 
> 2.1.1).
> I could compile Muscle Applet 0.9.11 source code with JavaCard kit 2.2.1 and 
> jdk 1.4.1, the CardEdge.cap file was generated and then, load and install it 
> on the card using GPShell 1.4.4 successfuly!
> Now, I want to use (or integrate) this card in OpenSC to be used as a 
> Cryptographic Token (Smart Card!)
> First, I've initialized the applet by the command given on the OpenSC site:
> (HERE) http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/MuscleApplet
> And everything was OK!
> Then, I've downloaded and installed opensc-0.12.2.msi package (32 & 64 bit) 
> on windows 7 (64 bit).
> I've modified "opensc.conf" file by the card ATR and "muscle" as the card 
> driver.
> Test with the command "opensc-tool -n" was OK and I saw "MuscleApplet" as the 
> card driver in response!
> Now, I want to test it with Mozilla FireFox and a CA server (in here, EJBCA) 
> to generate a keypair in smart card (using muscle applet) and issue a 
> certificate to be loaded on the card (by opensc
> pkcs11 library);
> I do the following in FireFox :
> Options> Advanced> Encryption> Security Devices> Load> (opensc-pkcs11.dll in 
> system32 or syswow64 folders).
> After that, the driver of reader (in here, Omnikey CardMan3x21) is displayed 
> in the list of Device Manager window.
> BUT, when I click on it, the status is "Not Present" ! while the card is in 
> the reader and detected by opensc-tool (-n option)!!!
> How can I fix this problem?
> Is there some settings that may be ignored in the procedure to have this java 
> card ready to do Cryptographic and Authentication tasks?
> Help me please, I've searched so much to solve this problem with NO RESULT!!!!

In the opensc.conf set the debug = 8; and define a debug_file.

This might give a clue as to how far OpenSC has got with the card.

It could also be that if there is no certificate or key on the card,
Mozilla is not interested in using it.

> Thanks In Advance.
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  Douglas E. Engert  <deeng...@anl.gov>
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