
Le 28/11/2012 21:27, Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE a écrit :
> I have just realized that engine_pkcs11.dll 
> does not seem to be part of OpenSC GIT installer for Windows:
> http://www.opensc-project.org/downloads/nightly/staging/win32/OpenSC-git20121128110936-win32.msi
> I could not find any engine_pkcs11.dll in System32 directory.
> Are there reasons for that?

As far as I know, the engine-pkcs11 never was included into OpenSC MSI.
Neither it has its own 'make MSI'.

> I would like to try building packages myself to learn more about Windows
> build system. Is the information given on
> http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/NightlyBuilds
> up-to-date?

This information need to be updated,
but in the part that concerns compiling for/under Windows and the build of 
OpenSC MSI it should be correct.

> Kind regards,

Kind wishes,

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